Tuesday, October 20, 2009

An Open Letter to Codependent Facebook Couples

Dear Codependent Facebook Couples,

Hey guys! How's it going? I heard you both just got a Facebook account. Actually, I noticed that you got one on the news feed. But I thought it was weird because instead of having two separate accounts, you got one together and just put "and" in the middle of your names. Like JaneAndJoe Smith.

Umm...about that.
Have you ever seen those couples that wear matching outfits? Or whenever they play games in a group, they absolutely have to be on the same team or they get upset? Or how about those couples that suddenly become incredibly boring if their other half isn't with them?

Yeah, they're also the type who share a Facebook account.

I mean, I can kind of see why you'd share an account. You share a bank account and all...

No, actually I changed my mind. It's just stupid. No two ways about it. I understand the whole "two become one" thing, but I'm pretty sure God wasn't talking about Facebook when He dictated the terms of marriage.
To me, it just says that either one of you is too lazy to keep up with your own profile or you are so completely codependent that you share even non-shareable things.

So how about it? How about prying open a crevice between the two of you and creating separate accounts? I promise, you'll love the chance to post your own favorite movies, quotes and random information. You can even start your own farm on Farmville and harvest watermelons all day.
